How to uninstall Curiosity
How to uninstall Curiosity Here is how you can successfully uninstall Curiosity from your device on Windows or Mac. Windows To uninstall Curiosity on Windows 10/11: Open Programs Right-click on Curiosity From the drop-down menu, select Uninstall Curiosity will be completely removed from your system Mac To uninstall Curiosity on Mac: Open Finder and go to the folder Applications Delete the Curiosity app (⌘ + Backspace) In Finder, go to theSome readersCuriosity crashes with antivirus program
Antivirus programs can crash Curiosity Antivirus programs can cause issues with the Curiosity app. if you're affected, the app may crash and show an error like this:Few readersKnown problem when running on Mac - Apple Silicon
Help: The app is not responding on my Mac and/or I can't quit! You might be seeing a bug that causes the app to crash on Mac computers with M1/M2 chips. Don't worry: we now support Apple Silicon! Symptoms Clicking on the app doesn't have any effect: It won't open The command bar opens but searches show empty You can't quit the app in the menu Solution Download the new version of Curiosity for Apple Silicon devices from our download page (https://curiosFew readersHow to find the Curiosity data folder
In some cases we may suggest that you delete the Curiosity data folder to fix a problem. How to find the data folder on Windows To access the Curiosity data storage folder on Windows: Open Windows Explorer Click into the top bar (where you see the folder name) Paste this path into the bar: %appdata%curiositylocalstorage and press Enter You will see the CuriosiFew readersMy Curiosity app data is corrupted, what should I do?
If you're getting an error message related to your app data being corrupted, you'll need to delete the Curiosity data folder to be able to start the app again. How to find the data folder on Windows To access the Curiosity data storage folder on WindoFew readersHow to recreate indexes
What is a search index? An index is what allows Curiosity to find files and messages. It's the basis of the search app. Curiosity has the following indexes, which you can re-create in case of any issue: Search Indexes (files, folders, messages) Installed apps (e.g. to open PowerPoint or Slack) Filters (the filters you use to narrow down your search results) Commands (e.g. "shut down computer" or "new document") Missing PreviewsFew readersHow to find / send Curiosity logs
What are Curiosity Logs? Logs are the Curiosity app's way of recording what it's doing. Curiosity keeps a rolling log of activities on your device, and will erase them automatically after some time. If you're having issues with the app, you can choose to share your logs with us. They can be useful for troubleshooting any issues you might be seeing.Few readersHelp, I can't find something!
If you can't find what you're looking for, try the following steps: Make sure it's in the app Check if you connected that source Check if you're filtering results Make sure the file has been indexed Until indexing is finished, results may be incomplete Check the indexing status: When indexing is in process, there'll be a ⏸ (Pause) icon on the left menu next to the ⚙️(Cog) Icon. You can also check your indexing status under Preferences, File Scheduling and Queue. WhenFew readersCan't connect Microsoft accounts (need admin approval)
Why is Microsoft asking me to get consent to connect my accounts? Are you seeing a message like this that you need consent from your company administrators to connect your work Microsoft account? Microsoft admin approval message That means you need to ask for your company's IT to pre-approve the Curiosity app on your O365 tenant.Few readersKnown problem connecting Outlook Desktop
Help: I cannot connect Outlook Desktop! You might be having an issue connecting your Outlook Desktop account to Curiosity. Symptoms Clicking to connect Outlook Desktop doesn't have any effect Cause This is a problem with Outlook Desktop not responding or failing to update, thus not being able to communicate with Curiosity. Solution Restart both Outlook Desktop and Curiosity Follow these steps to Connect Outlook Desktop (/en/article/outlook-desktop-co6zjb/Few readersCuriosity uses lots of CPU
Help, my computer is working hard! When you first install Curiosity, you might notice your computer is working hard for a while. You might even hear the fan go on. Don't worry - that's normal and it will get better! Here we'll explain what's happening, how long it lasts, and how you can manage it. What's happening? After setup, the app is doing two things: Downloading data from your cloud accounts to your computer (it's removed afterward indexing) Indexing your data, i.e. prepFew readersCuriosity crashes with CleanMyMac
Issue: CleanMyMac causes the Curiosity app to crash CleanMyMac by MacPaw can cause issues with Curiosity: It deletes files the app needs. if that happens, the Curiosity app may stop working and show an error like this: Solution: Avoid "Cleaning" files the Curiosity app needs When using ClFew readersUsing Curiosity on Ubuntu/Linux
Curiosity for Linux Curiosity offers support for Ubuntu/Linux users, but please note that our Linux version is currently in Beta. While most features are available, there may be some that do not work as expected. For more instructions and troubleshooting tips on the Linux version of Curiosity, please visit our documentation page on GitHub.Few readersHow to solve storage issues
How does storage work in Curiosity? Curiosity's storage system is designed to scale with the amount of data you work with. Since the app indexes your connected data, the required storage space will depend on several factors: Volume of Data: The more data you have to index, the more storage space you'll need. Number of Connected Apps/Folders: The same applies here. More connected apps means more storage is needed. File Sizes: Larger files take up more space, so if you're deaFew readersError while updating the app: Curiosity cannot be closed
When attempting to install or update the Curiosity app, you might encounter the following error: "Curiosity cannot be closed. Please close it manually and click Retry to continue." Error message during install or update This error occurs because the installer is unable to automatically stop the running Curiosity application. To proceed with the installation, you need to manually close the Curiosity proceFew readers