Search basics
How to combine search keywords
Why combine keywords in Curiosity Combining keywords in the search bar lets you narrow down your search results. Check our other help pages to learn how to Search in file contents Refine your search terms with filters ... and more How to combine keywords in Curiosity? Combining keywords (AND) Use the ampersand symbol & or the keyword AND to search only for resultsPopularHow to show a file in its folder (Mac Finder / Windows Explorer)
How to open a file in its folder What does "open in folder" mean and how does it help? The "open in folder" feature in Curiosity is a simple yet powerful tool that can save you a lot of time and hassle. It lets you quickly view the folder where your file is stored using Finder (Mac) or Explorer (Windows). This feature is useful if you remember the name of one file in a folder want to see what else is there. It's also helpful for moving files around. Overall, it can save you from having toPopularWhat is "AI Search" and how to enable/disable it
What is AI search and why use it? AI search is a method of searching your files that doesn't rely only on exact keywords. Instead, Curiosity uses AI to search for results that are similar to your search terms. AI search is also called semantic search, vector search, or neural search. AI search can be useful if you're looking for results but don't know the exact words used there (e.g. if other people wrote the documents).Some readersSearching with Curiosity
How to search with CuriositySome readersUsing Filters
Why use filters in Curiosity? Filters let you narrow down your search results and find what you're looking for faster and more easily. How to use filters with Curiosity With the Command Bar To use filters in the Command Bar: Start typing the name of the filter, e.g. PDF If your filter isn't the first result, scroll down to it using the arrow keys Hit Tab or click the filter on the list: The filter should appear at the begging of your search Type your search and hitSome readers
Advanced search
Searching code
Can I use Curiosity to search code files? Curiosity currently supports searching the names of code files (not inside code files). Supported file types Curiosity can search code files with the following extensions: .ps .cs .fs .css .js .class java .c cpp .h php py .sh .bat .swift .vb How to activate search in code To search code files, you need to activate it under Preferences: In the left bar, click the cog (⚙️) icon to open PreferencesPopularHow to search in images, audio, and video
Why search in images, audio and video with Curiosity? Curiosity lets you search text inside images, photos, and scans (including PDFs where you can't select the text). That means you can search for the text in the file and don't need to remember the file name. You can also search in audio files and video. Curiosity even lets you jump to the right place in the video file. Learn which types of files are supported here.Some readersHiding items from Search
Why hide an item in Curiosity Curiosity lets you hide things you don't want to see in the app. That could be because they're confidential or not interesting. You can hide files, messages, contacts, clipboard entries and more - any search result in Curiosity. How to hide an item in Curiosity? To hide something in Curiosity Select a result by hovering over it with the mouse or selecting it using the arrow keys Right-click with the mouse or press Tab From the the popup menu sFew readers